This Fee Applies to All Students (K4-12th)

Previously High School Students were not required to pay this fee. As we engage with Dual Enrollment at ENMU, our Monarch server is now being eliminated. Please cancel any current Monarch accounts with Omega Publications. High School students will now pay the $200.00 Book and Registration fee.


Dear Parents/Guardians,

As we embark on another academic year, we would like to emphasize the crucial importance of school safety and, in particular, highlight some essential updates regarding the use of our front office. Our commitment to providing a secure and conducive learning environment for all students remains unwavering. To further enhance safety measures and streamline office operations, we kindly request your cooperation in adhering to the following guidelines:

Front Office Access by Appointment Only: For the safety and security of everyone on our school campus, we kindly request that you schedule an appointment before visiting the front office. By doing so, we can ensure that our staff members are adequately prepared to assist you, and we can minimize unnecessary crowding. Appointments can be easily made by calling our office during regular school hours. Your understanding in this matter will help us maintain an organized and safe environment for all.

Ceasing Food Deliveries via Front Office: To reduce the frequency of office traffic, we kindly request that no food deliveries from restaurants be made through our front office. Instead, we encourage parents to provide their children with their school lunches from home at the beginning of each day. By doing so, we can significantly decrease the number of visitors to the office area, ensuring a more secure experience for all.

Your cooperation in implementing these guidelines will not only contribute to the overall safety of our school but also enhance the learning experience for our students. The front office serves as the central hub for various school-related matters, and by managing office traffic effectively, we can allocate more time and attention to assisting students and addressing their educational needs. We genuinely appreciate your partnership in creating a safe and nurturing environment for all students. Together, we can ensure that our school remains a place of inspiration, learning, and growth.

1. Stay in your vehicle: Parents should remain in their vehicles at all times while in the drop-off and pick-up line, unless under exceptional circumstances.

2. Keep traffic flowing: Maintain a steady flow of traffic by promptly dropping off or picking up your child and moving along without unnecessary delays.

3. Wait for staff assistance: For younger students or those needing additional help, wait in your vehicle for a staff member to come and assist them in getting in or out of the car safely.

4. Use the designated area: Utilize the designated drop-off and pick-up line, avoiding parking across the street or blocking traffic to let students out.

5. Respect appointment protocols: Avoid attempting to have impromptu conversations with teachers during drop-off or pick-up times. Instead, make appointments through the school office if you need to discuss anything with the teachers.

6. Be patient and courteous: Show respect to school staff, fellow parents, and other drivers in the line by being patient, polite, and following the rules.

7. Teach your child the routine: Help your child understand the drop-off and pick-up procedures to make the process smoother and safer for everyone.

Hi, Generation Academy Families! Pastor Todd here, giving you a list of things we want to do to ensure that our school continues to be a safe place for your students.

We are implementing a new front door office system, complete with security doors, to better protect our students. Additionally, we are installing outdoor cameras to complement the existing interior ones, providing a watchful eye at all times.

Our next plan is to add an exterior overhang at the student entrance. This will shield students from inclement weather when they enter or exit the building. However, these updates require financial resources. We understand that you already pay tuition, but any donations toward these projects would be greatly appreciated.

As our student body continues to grow, our primary focus remains on ensuring the safety and well-being of each and every one of our students.

These updates are part of our first phase, with a second round of improvements planned for the near future. Thank you for your prayerful support of our upcoming year. We love and treasure every family connected to Generations Academy.

Thank you!


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We understand the importance of staying connected with your children, and we value open communication between families and our school community. To facilitate this, students are welcome to bring their phones to school, and we will securely store them at the teacher's desks during class time. This way, students can concentrate fully on their studies without distractions. We encourage students to feel free to call you whenever they need, and you are always welcome to reach out to them during school hours. However, to ensure a conducive learning environment, the use of cell phones for any other reason during class time is strictly prohibited. We appreciate your cooperation in fostering a focused and engaging educational experience for all our students.
We kindly request your support in ensuring that your child arrives at school on time each day. Punctuality plays a crucial role in creating a productive learning environment. When students arrive promptly, it demonstrates respect for their teachers' time and helps to minimize distractions in the classroom. By being on time, students can fully engage in their studies from the beginning of each lesson, ensuring they do not miss important information or instructions. Additionally, it fosters a sense of responsibility and discipline, essential qualities that will serve them well throughout their lives

Gate Opens at 8:00 AM - First Bell 8:20