Generations Church: Our Story

Where it all began...

James and Sharon Terry, were led by the Lord to establish a Word of Faith church in Eastern New Mexico during the 1980s.

It's been over 40 years since the church began, and during this time Generations Church has cultivated an atmosphere for spiritual growth with an emphasis on taking care of families - every generation needs each other. Walking through the church doors feels like coming home every time.

Expanding the vision...

God also prompted our founding pastors to start a training center, a christian school, that would allow kids K4-12th to academically and spiritually learn without having to compromise the gospel.

Generations Academy is one of the oldest private schools in New Mexico. Since the beginning, our institution has been an environment of academic excellence, helping children and youth pursue greatness at every age.

The school celebrates 40 years the fall of 2022.

Where we are headed...

The future home of Generations Church and Academy.

The current vision is to complete the new facility located outside of Portales on 40 acres of beautiful land. It has been lovingly called “the Farm.” This building will become the new home for the church and school, plus it will offer agriculture opportunities for the community and students.

Meet our Pastors...

Pastor Todd, the son of our founding pastors, went to Rhema Bible Training College and received his diploma in pastoral ministry during the late 1980s. He became senior pastor during the 2010s after serving as a youth and worship leader.

Pastor Ginger lived in northern New Mexico until she moved to Portales to attend Eastern University. Shortly after she met Todd and started coming to Generations Church. She has led worship, overseen women's ministry, as well as principled the school for many years now.

Pastor Todd and his wife Pastor Ginger proudly pastor Generations Church today, as well as run the school that was begun long ago. Their children serve at the church in multiple ways. Brennyn Terry, their oldest, leads worship and oversees their media department. Aidan Terry teaches the youth, and Tristan Terry plays the drums for Sunday morning worship.

Generations KIDZ 

Generations YOUTH

Generations CHURCH

Be a Part of Our Story...

Sundays 10AM (MST)
Worship & the Word!
615 W 4th St. Portales, NM